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Motorcycle racing does not get much more exciting for the fans, than at the start of a race when the tapes go up and all riders fight to be the first into the corner.
With only throttle control, balance and bravery, the riders in track racing rely on their skill and trust in their fellow competitors, to race flat out over 4 laps.
They achieve speeds of up to 120mph on the Long Track straights, whilst sliding their machines around the corners.
Grass Track racing is very popular in Britain as well as Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Italy and Australia. It is raced on tracks, not always oval in shape, up to 1000 metres.
All the bike have one thing in common - NO BRAKES!
Appleton racing has various sponsorship packages available and we are always pleased to welcome new supporters on board.
However large or small your commitment may be, in return for your help you can expect to have your company represented in the most professional way, including social media support, logos on Race Kit, Merchandise, Pit Boarding, Autograph Cards and our specially kitted out Race Van.
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